10 To Live By...

jack carroll by Jack Carroll

Ten years ago, in what now seems like prehistoric times, there was a wonderful little book written by one H. Jackson Brown. It was named Life's Little Instruction Book. It is a book of 511 aphorisms on every area of living written by a father for his son who is leaving home for college, perhaps to never again live under the same roof.

I shared many of my personal favorites with my own son on a Southern California hillside on a gray winter Sunday afternoon during a very difficult time in our lives. I now share with you, my friends, 10 of the best for use in your own business and personal life.

#47 Don't waste time learning "the tricks of the trade." Instead, learn the trade.
#55 Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every area of your life.
#83 In business and in family relationships, remember that the most important thing is trust.
#166 Avoid negative people.
#210 Commit yourself to constant self-improvement.
#235 Be willing to lose a battle in order to win the war.
#266 Beware of a person who has nothing to lose.
#287 Promise big. Deliver big.
#326 Remember that winners do what losers don't want to do.
#497 Don't be called out on strikes. Go down swinging.

Thanks again to H. Jackson Brown. He deserves the financial rewards that have come as a result of selling more than 7 million copies of this wonderful book.


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